Announce Social Program&Venue Program Speaker Registration Submission
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TSMRM Secretariat:Tingya Chen
TEL:07-7317123 ext.8893
ADD: No. 123, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City 833 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Home > Submission
* Conference
The Organizing Committee welcomes and invites you to submit an abstract in the conference.
The papers will be accepted in poster display.
Please submit abstracts.
A copy of each abstract will be forwarded by the conference secretariat to the scientific committee.
General instructions for abstract preparation
Abstracts will be included in an abstract volume with uniform formatting and fonts.
All abstracts should be in English.
Authors not fluent in English should please seek the assistance of colleagues to ensure that the meaning
  is clear.
General instructions for poster preparation
  1. Size: 120 x 90 cm (Width x Length)
2. Posters will be display in horizontal form.
3. All posters should be in English
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